Basic principles

The strategy of the project is based on current academic knowledge about the effectiveness of training in general and periodic training in particular. We consider training to be effective when it results in behavioral changes in the workplace. If this is the case, we can say there has been a transfer from the training course to the workplace.

The transfer takes place at several levels, i.e:

  • Training: does the training run smoothly and according to good didactical principles?
  • Skills: have the trainees acquired additional skills and or knowledge once the training is terminated?
  • Job: is there behavioral change on the job?
  • Objectives: is what happens on the ground in line with high-level objectives of law-makers and/or the transport sector?

Measuring impact at these four levels will provide us with a good image of the degree to which training is effective. However, it is not sufficient to answer why the transfer runs well or not. The transfer is also influenced by characteristics of the trainee (is he or she interested, …), the design of the training and the working environment (does the trainee get the opportunity to apply what he or she has learned).

Steps taken

To design a methodology that can map this complex reality, we will take the following steps during the project:

Mapping current legislation and implementation

During this first step we want to make an overview of the relevant regulation on periodic training in Europe and the different ways this regulation is implemented in the member states that are represented in the project. An overview of differences and similarities in implementation will be drawn up. This information will be related to the results of the effectiveness analysis (later steps) to identify best practices.

Mapping and analyzing expectations and opinions

To analyse whether the training achieves its objectives, one must first map the expectations of different stakeholders towards the training. Therefore, the second step consists of an analysis of the views of different stakeholders in the countries towards the periodic training programs. We identify the following important stakeholders:

  • The drivers themselves
  • The transport company management
  • The competent authorities
  • Trade unions
  • Employer federations
  • Training institute management
  • Trainers

Edubron will develop a guideline that has to be used by the training centers that will carry out the interviews. The reports of these interviews will be compiled by Edubron who will analyse them and draw up a report.

Selecting evaluation indicators and measurement instruments

In this third step we will start by selecting five courses that are present in the curricula of all

participating training centers. These courses will be the subject of the evaluation process. They will serve as test cases for developing the evaluation methodology. The idea is that the methodology should afterwards be easily transferable to the other courses organized by the participating centers or other non-participating centers. Course selection will be led by the ICB, but in consultation with Edubron and the training centers.

Once the courses are selected, relevant evaluation indicators will have to be selected  to determine whether a course is effective or not. To measure the indicators, effective  instruments will also have to be selected. A review of the relevant research will assist this selection. The training centers will provide Edubron with the necessary course material that will also help in constructing effective measures and instruments.

Once the selection has taken place, the instruments should be adapted to the specific situation in each country. Bilatoral contacts between Edubron and the training centers will make sure this happens.

Selecting indicators and measurement instruments for factors influencing transfer of training

Also for the factors influencing transfer of training, indicators and measurement instruments have to be selected and adopted to specific national situations.

Collecting quantitative data

A data collection plan will be designed and amended to the national contexts through bilateral contacts with the training centers.

Analysing data and drafting reports

Statistical analysis of the data gathered combined with quantitative data from the first step should lead to first results. A co-creation proces will lead to reports containing recommendations that are based on research, field knowledge as well as theoretical insights.


The dissemination activities on which we will elaborate further will ensure the methodology and recommendations are used beyond the participating organisations.